
Meaning:"Powerful ruler of the wind"
Birth Date:May 10th
Blood Type:O
Birth Place:--
Family:none -> Tobias
Hair:short, kinda spikey, brown/blond highlights
Home:owns a house left ot him by his foster parents
Clothing:normal, blue & grey
Most Prized Possesion:Promise Ring
Favorite Food:sushi
Least Favorite Food:ketchup
Favorite Color(s):blue
Fighting style:physical
Fears:loosing Kali
Goal:to get the binds lifted from his soul,to be with Kali
Hobbies:reading, video games
Likes:Kali, reading, playing games
Positive Characteristics:kind, caring, helpful, dependable, grounded, perserverant, generous
Negative Characteristics:lets tobias push him around, clueless, weak, innocent
Personality:Always ready to lend a hand
History: Eric is pretty much the innocent bystandard of the story, who though no fault of his own is dragged deeper and deeper into the situation. He is Tobias's human side, in charge of locating Kali, then getting out of the way. But things don't go as planned and Eric finds himself bound to Kali's soul and quickly falling for her.
Tobias hates Eric because he is his weakest part of his personality and he also has Kali so Eric gets beaten up on many occasions. He is a loner with few friends, he has no idea what is so important about the girl named Kali, but obeys orders to find her.
The main reason Tobias despises Eric and rejects him from himself stems back to the last time he found Kali and what she said to him during their battle. She called him weak because he was human, when in truth she really admired that part of him, and only said this so that he would leaver her cause she knew that they couldn't be together.
On his search for Kali, Tobias leaves Eric in Japan where he is taken in by an old man who cares for him as if he were a son. Eric is persumed to have amnesia, because he can't remembr his past (truthfully he never had a past as just "Eric" and the pain Tobias felt for his loss blocked his past from Eric's mind). As Eric grew older the man fell ill and Eric was left to care for him until his death, when he left his house and money to Eric, his only remaining heir.
Eric's memories (life) begin at age ten, the same age as Tobias was when Kali saved him from dying in the destruction of his village.