
Meaning:Mysterious Dark (Mother) Goddess, "Dark shadow of Kali"
Age:Human form- 18-19
Birth Date:Human form-December 12th
Blood Type:O
Birth Place:Tokyo,Japan
Family:none->Kokueino*(divored parents, lives with mother)*-the Kokueino family doesn't really exist.
Hair:Dark brown, long,done up in two buns in back of head
Body:medium build
Markings:Scars on back (from wings) & across eye (in goddess form only)
Home:The Kokueino household, Eric's house
Clothing:black & burhgandy
Most Prized Possesion:Promise ring
Occupation:Student,goddess of death & rebirth
Association:the moon
Favorite Food:Ice cream
Least Favorite Food:Green Vegtables
Favorite Color(s):Black and Silver
Weaponry:scyth,"Karmic wheel"
Fighting style:Physical & Psychic, aims to kill
Fears:being alone
Goal:to stay human
Hobbies:Drawing, dressing up, day dreaming
Likes:Being human, being free of her duties as a goddess,knowing someone cares for her
Dislikes: Killing, Shiva, being what she is, being alone
Positive Characteristics:Kind, loving, carring, warm, obedient,loyal
Negative Characteristics:Escape from reality, deceptive, evil, quiet, tormented,depressed
Personality:Quiet, depressed, affraid, kind, distant
Relationships:Tobias, Eric, wife of Shiva
Kali is the goddess of Death & Rebirth. She is the first wife of her creator, Shiva. Forced to obey his every command, she was ordered to destroy millions of innocent lives. Then one day she couldn't take it anymore and she theatened to destroy him, even if that ment destroying herself and the rest of the universe. For her disobedience, her memory and her powers were sealed away into a different dimension inside the mind of a mortal body. From then on she was to live a normal human life acting only as a vessle for her powers, incase they would be needed again.
Kali's Goddess Side:
As a goddess Kali has two separate personalities. The first,the beautiful, kind hearted, angelic form. The goddess of life and rebirth. The second the dark, evil, vampiric goddess of death. In either form she is constantly plauged by the memory of those she's killed and tormented by the battle between her two personalities. She is associated with the night, and particularly the moon.
Kali's Human Side:
Kali's human side is almost as mysterious as her goddess one. She tends to be a bit emotionless and distant at times, sometimes almost seeming to lack personality, because she was created souly for the purpose of containing her hidden powers. She never had a family, never knew love or friendship and is often unsure of how to react to such emotions, let alone other people. She shuns her own feelings because she doesn't understand them. Kali lives a pretty normal life. She believes she has a family, divorced parents, she lives with her mother and brother. She thinks her mother feels disgraced by her (Kali doesn't realize her family is only a figment of her imagination). She's starting her third year of highschool, were she has lots of friends (only because they know they can take advantage of her), and is pretty smart, but quiet and only responds when prompted to. She is plauged by odd dreams and premonitions and tends to day dream a lot. Having been alone all her life, she doesn't know how to react well with others and feels they don't want her for who she is, but rather what she is.
Kali(Kali Ma)"the black mother"-dark goddess-the terrible-goddess of death- great goddess-Patroness of witches. Dual personality exhibiting traits of both gentleness and love, and revenge and terrible death. She is always a trinity manifested in three forms: Three divisions of the year, three phases of the moon, three sections of the cosmos, three stages of life, three types of priestesses at her shrine. She is said to command the weather by braiding or releasing her hair. Her karmic wheel devours time itself. The Hindu mother goddess; symbol of dissolution and destruction. She destroys ignorance, maintains the world orde4r, and blesses and frees those who strive for the knowledge of god. In the Vedas the name is associated with Agn, the god of fire, who had seven flickering tongues of flame of which Kali was the black, horrible tongue. This meaning of the word has meanwhile been replaced by the goddess Kali, the grim consort of Shiva. Her appearance is fearsome, baleful eyes, a protruding tongue and four arms. in her upper left hand she wields a bloody sword and in her lower left hand she holds the severed head of a demon. With her upper right hand confers benefits. Drapped around her is a chain of severed human heads and she wears a belt made of dismembered arms. As the divine mother she is often represented dancing or in sexual union with Shiva. As Bhavatari, the redeemer of the universe, she stands upon the surpine form of her spouse. She is also known as Kalimata (black earth mother) and Kalaratri (black night).