
Meaning:"Raven of the Sun"
Age:Human form-18-19 Guardian form-unknown (4th Generation gurdian)
Birth Date:september 22nd 1984
Blood Type:AB
Birth Place:Mnt.Fuji-san area of Japan
Family:Mother, father & two sisters-all deceased
Hair:long, black
Eyes:olive green (no pupils in guardian form)
Markings:Markings on face & raven kanjii forehead in guardian form
Home:small apartment, has ties to village in mountains where she grew up
Clothing:earth tones
Most Prized Possesion:staff
Occupation:Student,earth gurdian
Association:the sun, the earth
Favorite Food:bread & fruit
Least Favorite Food:meats
Favorite Color(s):green
Fighting style:element type magic-earth , physical, shape shifting
Fears:anyone more powerful then her
Goal:to be most powerful & protect the earth
Hobbies:rollerbladding, fighting
Likes:animals, rollerbladding, making fun of popular people, giving people funny looks, shinny jewlery, debates, fights, creating a reaction from people
Dislikes:Popular people, anyone with more power then her
Positive Characteristics:can be kind, has a genuine concern for the earth
Negative Characteristics:unfriendly, mean, picks fights with people, has trouble controlling her rage
Personality:sarcastic, cruel, jealous, manipulative, competative, a flirt
Karasu is a forth generation guardian of the planet earth. Her mother was from the third generation of earth guardians and her father was the leader of the village of the sun. Her mother bore him three children before he died of old age, when she was left to raise them on her own. She remarried to a very better man, who only married her for her great power and obtained it when she became deathly ill and asked him to store her powers until her oldest daughter was of age to recieve them. Her became so obsessed with his power that he tried to kill Karasu and her sisters. Karasu was the only one to survive.
Karasu's Guardian Side:
Karasu rarely makes a complete transformation into her goddess form. She does poses the power to change into a raven/crow in her normal form. In her goddess form she can use earth element magic but mostly concintraits on physical combat. The raven side of her personality is more kind and likes to give advice, but in crow form she is angery, jealous and always eady for a fight. She cares little for people. Her job is to protect the earth as a whole. She is in a constant struggle for power. Karasu claims to be the one to have braught a small star into the galazy creating the sun. A tale told to her by her father when she was just a child. When Karasu can't bluff her way out of something she turns into the crow and tries to kill her apponent or flee.
The staff she carris is her older sister's. The cloth wrapped around it is her younger sisters and the crystal on it is a piece of her mother's gravestone.
Her step father was killed by the power, because his body couldn't handel it. The spirit of Karasu's mother returned those powers to Karasu, who was still too young to use them, and could never acheive a full transformation.
The raven is a central figure in the west coast traditions, from California to Alaska. Among his many feats he stole the moon and sun from the sky chief and put them in the sky, braught humans the first berries and salmon, and (according to several traditions) called the first humans up from the earth, or discovered the first human babies within a clam shell. Raven was perpetually hounded by the trickster god, Coyote. Like the crow, the raven is generally a negative symbol, although it appears occasionally in the Bible as a wise messenger. It is a "talking bird, hence prophecy" and often a companion to the dead. Jugian pyschology defines the raven as the dark side of the psyche.