
Meaning:"Sorceress who plays with fire"
Age:apparently 19, actually around 750
Birth Date:8-10-1252
Blood Type:B
Birth Place:Germany
Family:Mother, father & brother-deceased, Fiancee-deceased
Hair:short, dark blue (was once long)
Eyes:Left-green, right-brown
Home:small apartment
Clothing:firey colors, reds, purples
Most Prized Possesion:Sorceress's pendant
Favorite Food:chocolate
Least Favorite Food:broclli
Favorite Color(s):purple
Weaponry:magic spells, fire
Fighting style:element type magic-fire
Fears:rejection, no one wants her
Goal:to be the best sorceress ever
Hobbies:training,traveling, collecting things
Likes:Science, history, sugar, training
Dislikes:Bugs, mean people, gym, lunch, math
Positive Characteristics:devoted, nice, smart, serious
Negative Characteristics:quiet, shy, aggressive, competative, explosive, odd
Personality:helpful, quiet, loyal, devoted to her profession, lonely, shy
Relationships:Was engaged to Jason
Medea was born in the middle ages, into a large circle of magicians. She was braught up as a sorceress, mastering in controll of the fire element. She met and fell in love with a man named Jason who had come to her village. She vowed she would do anythign for him. She abandoned her family and home and friends just to be with him. Then one day he ran off with another woman, telling her she wasn't good enough and that nobody would ever want her. After her rejection she returned to the magicians and strived to be the best at everything she did in the hopes that she would one day be so good at something that everyone would want her. She was kicked out after helping Karasu in a battle aganst the head warlocke. She was then befriended by Karasu and they kept each other company through the years. Medea has such a burning passion to suceed in her magic that she focusses on it to the point where she doesn't want to hang out with other people, and has few friends and has trouble fitting in.
Medea is kind of odd, she acts that way because she figures it's what is expected of her because people tend to make fun of her. She doesn't fit in as well as others. She is an orpen(because her family died a long time ago). Medea may come across as depressed sometime because she is usually quiet and very shy and serious. She has a very firey temper. Medea is Karasu's only frined. Raven wants to help Medea out because crow sitll wants to kill her (because she has power).
Medea was a devotee of the goddess Hecate, and one of the great sorceresses of the ancient world. She was the daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis, and the granddaughter of Helios, the sun god. King Aeetes' most valuable possession was a golden ram's fleece. When Jason and the crew of the Argo arrived at Colchis seeking the Golden Fleece, Aeetes was unwilling to relinquish it and set Jason a series of seemingly impossible tasks as the price of obtaining it. Medea fell in love with Jason and agreed to use her magic to help him, in return for Jason's promise to marry her. Jason fled in the Argo after obtaining the golden fleece, taking Medea and her younger brother, Absyrtis, with him. King Aeetes pursued them. In order to delay the pursuit, Medea killed her brother and cut his body into pieces, scattering the parts behind the ship. The pursuers had to stop and collect Absyrtis' dismembered body in order to give it proper burial, and so Jason, Medea and the Argonauts escaped.
After the Argo returned safely to Iolcus, Jason's home, Medea continued using her sorcery. She restored the youth of Jason's aged father, Aeson, by cutting his throat and filling his body with a magical potion. She then offered to do the same for Pelias the king of Iolcus who had usurped Aeson's throne. She tricked Pelias' daughters into killing him, but left the corpse without any youth-restoring potion.
After the murder of Pelias, Jason and Medea had to flee Iolcus; they settled next in Corinth. There Medea bore Jason two children before Jason forsook her in order to marry the daughter of Creon, the king of Corinth. Medea got revenge for Jason's desertion by killing the new bride with a poisoned robe and crown which burned the flesh from her body; King Creon died as well when he tried to embrace his dying daughter. Medea fled Corinth in a chariot, drawn by winged dragons, which belonged to her grandfather Helios. She took with her the bodies of her two children, whom she had murdered in order to give Jason further pain.
Medea then took refuge with Aegeus, the old king of Athens, having promised him that she would use her magic to enable him to have more children. She married Aegeus and bore him a son,Medus. But Aegeus had another son, Theseus. When Theseus returned to Athens, Medea tried to trick her husband into poisoning him. She was unsuccessful, and had to flee Athens, taking Medus with her. After leaving Athens,Medus became king of the country which was later called Media.