
Meaning:"The Destroyer"
Birth Date:?
Blood Type:?
Birth Place:--
Family:none -> Kali,Satashi and other wives
Markings:mark on forehead when using his magic.
Most Prized Possesion:Kali
Occupation:Great god, Destroyer
Fighting style:physical,emotional, magic element-black
Positive Characteristics:none really
Negative Characteristics:Evil, Evil, Evil, power hungry poop head
Personality:Mean, Evil, manipulative
Relationships:Kali,Satashi, Niruruit, Durugaha,Umako, Avani, Paravati, Utama, Mahedevi
The third great got, who's mind has been corrupted by power. He wants to rule the universe. He's out to find Kali in order to destroy everything so that he can create and rule his own world.
Shiva is Kali's creator. When the galaxy was complete, the gods found a need for someone to be the barer of life and death. They entrusted their task onto Shiva, giving him the energy of a single star, with which he was to create this being. He created Kali through his vision of the perfect being, and thus she was bound to him. Shiva was very abusive of his power over her, using her as a device of destruction. He is unkind and cares about no one other then himself. But could he be hidding something? Deep down could he really love Kali?