
Meaning:"With God's Grace"
Age:apparently 20-21
Birth Date:?
Blood Type:?
Birth Place:?
Hair:Medium length, spikey, aqua-blue-ish
Home:owns an appartment, used to move alot before finding what he was looking for (or should I say who)
Clothing:blue, grey, black
Most Prized Possesion:Promise Ring
Occupation:God of Wind
Favorite Food:anything Kali cooks(even though she can't cook very well -.-)
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite Color(s):blue
Fighting style:physical,element control-wind
Fears:loosing Kali
Goal:to be with Kali
Hobbies:reading, meditaiton, being with Kali
Likes:Kali, windy days, rice, reading shakespear & Poe
Dislikes:Karasu, Eric, Shiva
Positive Characteristics:devoted, reliable, loyal, loving, kind, means well, protective, carring
Negative Characteristics:overbaring, posessive, jealous, controlling, cold
Personality:mysterious, kind
Tobias is the god of the wind. He has the ability to control and appear as the wind. Since he first met her, Tobias has been in love with Kali. After she broke her loyalty to Shiva, he saw his opportunity to be with her. He searched for her on earth and appeared to her in her dreams. Tobias wants to do what's right for Kali, but unfortunatly he doesn't realize he's only doing what he thinks is good for her. Tobias loves Kali so much because she was the first one to ever show any sypathy twards him and treat him with kindness. She is like the family he never had. (reference to last battle) Tobias once lived in a village with hi parents, but shiva ordered Kali to destroy the village and all of it's inhabitants. After his orders are carried out she looks around and notices a boy in the rubble, barely breathing, clinging to his mother's dead body, determined to live. Overcome by emotion, she saves the little boy from death but is forced to leave him there so that Shiva doesn't find out (this is the turning point for Kali when she starts to doubt Shiva & rebel against him). Several years later, Tobias is living on his own with little recollection of his past. He only remembers faintly, the destruction of his village that caused the death of everyone he knew and the face of an evil man standing over the angelic young girl who pulled him from the wreckage. Since then he has lived a lonely life, not fitting in anywhere he went. No one is ever kind to him. One day he spots an injured man at the side of the road and runs to his aid (Tobias is the only one who can see this man because he is the god of wind who has already chosen to give Tobias his powers). The man dies leaving Tobias his duties and powers. Tobias decides to seek out Shiva and get revenge. He finds Shiva and Shiva sends Kali after him. Commin face to face with Kali jogs his memory of the events that took place when he was young, he falls in love with her and when forced into battle with her he doesn't want to fight. She senses his resistance and spares his life telling him he's weak. This causes him to reject his human side in hopes that she will love him again.
("The Lord is Good") Tobias is the hero of the apocryphal book of Tobit in the old testament. It relates how Tobias is able to defeat a demon with the help of archangel Raphael.